Monday 1 October 2012

Short but sweet!

Hello again!

I've finished classes for the day and before I head off to shove my face in some books and read the night away, I wanted to post a few things I am currently loving from!!

UGH .. I wish I could own everything on this site!!

talk soon!

with love,

mel xo

Wildfox Sweater

Wildfox Shrug
Koolaburra Wedge Heels
Winter Kate Black Magic Blouse

Sunday 30 September 2012

Homecoming 2012

For those of you who are not from Nova Scotia, Canada, today was Homecoming weekend here at my university! This is probably the biggest party weekend of the year because all past alum and all students drink, go to our first home football game, cheer like crazy, drink some more, and then party the night away! This year was awesome because I had gone to my friends' place for a pancake breakfast with some girlfriends, and then headed to the football game and then came home to cook an amazing meal, have some drinks, get all dolled up and then partied the rest of homecoming weekend away! Unfortunately today we're paying for it haha! Some pics are below! 

In addition to being back at X, keeping up with school work, doing research, working my job, volunteering AND having a social life, I have slacked on my blog, or lack there of! HAHA!

Anywho, here's some beautiful pics from the amazing NASTYGAL to fall in love with!

with love,

mel xo
Cappuccinos and Mimosas to start off homecoming 2012!!
(my current fave)

                                                                       Fade away knit

Freddy Kruger Knit

Black Dust Jumpsuit
(my other current fave)
(another current fave)

That's all for now! Cheers xo

Monday 11 June 2012

Studying & Procrastination!

                                                                        Beautiful Office Transformation!!
                                                                    Awesome Idea!!
                                                               DIY Faux Leather clutch!
                                                               Best thing I've found yet!

Hi all!

So my FINAL stats exam is one week from today and I am totally not prepared!!! I am taking a quick study break to relieve my brain from stupid greek symbols that I will forever hate...a few exciting things are coming up in my is the ending of this horrible course that NO ONE should be required to take! Secondly, my fam is moving into an amazingly beautiful house and I am SO excited..especially because it has a pool AND it's in bedford! BOOM! Also my sister, mom, grandmother and I are all going on a girls trip to the sunny state FLO-RIDAAA!! BEYOND excited I most definitely am! AND the day after my sister and I get back from florida..we head up to PEI for the Cavendish Beach Country Music Festival where we'll be hangin' out with some cool brothers and the McQuaid family! CAN'T WAIT! AND THEN to top THAT off, I get my x ring in exactly 174 days!!! It's gonna be a great year, although it's been a tragic start the past few months.

Getting back home next week is going to be fantastical!! I am so thrilled to move into this new house! My parents are renovating the inside so I am super DUPER psyched to see the inside! While my mother has always been the most amazingly talented decorator, I am not! SO if you're like me...hit up PINTREST! It's insanely addicting and it has millions of amazing ideas for decorating, design, crafts & DIY stuff, fashion...pretty much everything including the kitchen sink! haha ANYWAY...While I have been falling behind on this blogging life, I have been catching up on some studying... which I need to get back to!

I posted some super fun links above to DIY crafts & home decorating ideas! If you try any...send me some photos at I'd love to see them!!

Have a great day & wish me luck with my studying! YUCK!

with love,

mel. xo

Monday 21 May 2012

RIP Cole Marchand

Sis & Cole <3

                                                                      Chase, Carissa, Cole, Tanya, Darrell

This weekend has been a very tragic one for my family, as my cousin Cole, 19 years old, passed away suddenly on Friday May 18th, 2012. He had taken some poppy seed tea, and passed away in the middle of the night. Unfortunately, by the time his family found him, he had already died.

I found a website created by a family who had a similar situation with their 17 year old son so I will post that below for anyone interested in learning about the dangers of this drug. If you know anyone who is into drugs, or if maybe you are experimenting with different drugs, please remember this: You may only live once, but there is no need to cut your life short or to take a chance on cutting it short on something as stupid and preventable as drugs. Please remember your family and your friends and how they would feel if you consume too much, and you can't rewind, or take anything back. It's not worth it, trust me.

"Be a best friend, tell the truth, and overuse 'I love you'. Go to work, do your best, don't outsmart your common sense. Never let your prayin' knees get lazy, and love like crazy"
-Lee Brice

RIP Cole Marchand, you will always be loved and never forgetten. Such a young, fun, loving life to take, God truly must have needed an angel. Love you always, Cole. See you on the other side. xo

with love,


Click here for the Poppy Seed Tea Site

If you, or anyone you know needs to talk to someone, please call:
or visit their website at : Kids Help Phone Website

Wednesday 16 May 2012

it's been a while,

First things first, I've got to apologize! I haven't been keeping up with things on my blog so I'll attempt to get better at it! I'm in my new wonderful apartment with my new wonderful roomies! I'm loving it! My boyfriend and some friends are coming down to visit me in this quiet town this coming weekend and I am beyond excited! Also, one of my roomies is turning 20!! Party time, wahoooo! Anyways, enough on the life scoop and onto some more fun things!

As I have recently become extremely bored in this small town, I've become slightly obsessed with nail blogs and nail art!!! one of my previous posts had a bunch of fun designs...WELL I've found the creme du le creme of nail art sites! I AM IN LOVE! The site is called Supa Nails hahah, just see for your beautiful selves because this site will change your life as you know it, or it will at the very least show you some super cool nails! Also, if you ever need fun ideas for doing your nails here's a great sitee called the Haus of Lacquer ! It's the awesomest. Especially if you have long nails (which I do not) because theres some super cool designs and styles! Anywho, I hope you enjoy! Bedtime for me!

austa le vista baby,

with love,


Tuesday 1 May 2012

New York, New York

So much fun at the Yankees game! We fit right in with cheese fries, hot dogs and beer, all decked out in our NY gear! haha Such an amazing trip with such an AMAZING guy <3 love him so much!

So much fun at the game!

So amazing!

One of my fave photos! Walking through Central Park!

Connor in front of Trump Tower!!

Walking back to our hotel after the game! Good thing we didn't get lost on the train ride!

Time Square at night!! So awesome!

On our way to a Yankees game! "All part of the experience" haha

First night there..after Mama Mia on broadway in Time Square!

8 am...just got off the train! So tired!
WOW! It has been super crazy busy in my life the past two weeks. I had exams and then I had to pack my entire room up (BY MYSELF) and drive home to Bedford for a night. The next morning (last wednesday) my sister, a friend, my boyfriend and I all headed off to visit my brother in Boston. Unfortunately his team was beat out of the playoffs in game 7, but THEN my boyfriend Connor and I headed off to NYC Thursday morning at 5 am! A few things I've learned on this trip first hand:
1. Staying up until 3am is not a good idea when you need to catch a train at 5 am!
2. Don't depend on your debit because nyc only takes credit or cash apparently!
3. Bring or buy walking shoes...I didn't know what I was in for HAHA (thanks con)
4. Bring an extra memory card + battery for your WILL be needed..guaranteed!
5. Experiencing a Yankees game, decked out in gear with some cheese fries, a hot dog and couple of beers (while its freezing cold) is more than worth it! So much fun!!
6. The Greyline bus tours are awesome! So many things to learn about the city, it was incredible!
7. Central Park really is as beautiful as the movies!
8. The Statue of Liberty is not nearly as huge as it seems in the movies! But it's still pretty cool!
9. Soho is my absolute FAVE FAVE FAAAAAVE spot in the world! LOVED IT!
10. Try to look the least touristy you can so the people in time square wont hassle you to buy things! hahah...and it's an insult if they tell you to "go back to Jersey" apparently!

All in all it was an incredible trip! My boyfriend is the most amazingest person and I am so lucky that he took me to nyc and put up with my giddiness and my many complaints about walking so much ahaha! He is amazing! So while we were exploring through Soho, little italy and Chinatown I found this incredible boutique which I fell in love with! It's adorable! My fave spot in nyc FO SHO! I'll post a few pics some time this weekend (my camera chord is at home in bedford) and because todaaaay is MOVING DAY!! Exciting but a pain in the butt! So I should get back to loading up my jeep!

with love,


Saturday 14 April 2012

Fun Nail Art

So today when I took a quick study break I found this blog called Fuck Yeah's sooo awesome and it has forced me into an obsession with fun nails! I LOVE the neon almond shaped ones...I want these sooo bad! Their awesome! I wish I was super talented and creative with my nails...or that I could actually grow my nails out haha. But there's lots of tutorials and cool tips so check it out!! Anywhooo.. I need to get back to studying, but I put up a few of my fave nails from the blog!! I'll post the link to it below :)

with love,


Fuck Yeah Nail Art