Tuesday 10 April 2012

My first time...

Hey there! Perfect time to get into blogging with exams coming up...oh yay (sarcastical voice). So with this lovely blog to distract myself from studying, I'll attempt to keep up with the hustle and bustle of blogging...let's see how well this will work out for me.
So, as I am already aware, there are a bajillion fashion, food, life,love........ blogs! But that's what I love. I love fashion. I love things. I love sparkles, jewelery, diamonds...I'm sure you catch my drift. I also love food...but I'm a terrible cook, so I'll be featuring other peoples' ideas and recipes (if I'm brave enough to try any), I like exercising...and I'm trying to get back into that haha. Anyway, my blog is about my life and the things I love! I'm new to the blog world, but we'll see what happens. It is what it is!

wish me luck!

with love,


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