Tuesday 10 April 2012

Shoes, Shoes, Shoes

click here to visit Nasty Gal

I've been obSESSED with this website this past year. For you to know me, you would know that I have a slight obsession with shoes. I don't just buy shoes, I collect shoes! SHOES SHOES SHOES. love em! Anywho, I worked full time last year because I took the year off from school to figure out what I want to do with my life. I would sit at work (I was an "executive assistant"...aka I answered phones, sat at a computer all day and would post invoices every 2 weeks) so I picked up a slight addiction to online shopping. Nasty gal has some sexxxxxxy things, very stylish...but I'm a student now so I don't quite have the mullah I dream of.

Check out their shoe collection...love JC ..just wait till I have a summer job!
Browse around the site...incase you haven't before...its AHHH-mazing...with a capital AHHH!
with love,


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